Dedikasi Cendekia: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan 2024-06-29T12:50:39+00:00 Oriza Zativalen Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Dedikasi Cendekia: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan</strong> adalah Jurnal yang dipublikasikan guna menyebarluaskan berbagai kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dalam bidang Pendidikan yang dilaksanakan oleh akademisi, praktisi, maupun mahasiswa. Artikel yang diterbitkan berkaitan dengan kegiatan pengembangan dan penerapan teori, ilmu pengetahuan, konsep pemikiran, model, atau hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan serta meningkatkan kualitas hidup khalayak sasaran maupun komunitas utamanya pada bidang pendidikan. <strong>Dedikasi Cendekia: Warta Pengabdian Pendidikan d</strong>iterbitkan oleh Educational Consultant &amp; Counseling Career (EC3) Mataram. Terbit dua kali setahun, yaitu pada bulan <strong>Juni</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong>.</p> Sosialisasi Tata Tertib Perpustakaan Sekolah di SDN 03 Ketindan Kab. Malang 2024-06-14T16:52:03+00:00 Ubaidillah Ubaidillah Yessi Ervina Yuliana Yuliana Styo M. W. Aji <p><em>A library in an elementary school (SD) is an educational facility that provides a variety of reading materials and learning resources that are appropriate to the age and level of development of students. Running a library requires human resources and adequate facilities and infrastructure. Rules and regulations in libraries are important for maintaining peace and order, protecting collections and facilities, and ensuring fair access for all users. results of observations in the library at SDN 03 Ketindan, Ke. Lawang, Kab, Malang which was carried out in June 2014. It was found that there were still many violations of rules and discipline committed by library visitors. These violations can be in the form of minor violations or major violations. The ultimate goal of this socialization is so that student visitors can access library facilities in an orderly manner so that reading and studying activities in the library run optimally. Activities were carried out with lectures and door to door outreach from class 1 to class 6. In general, the activities were carried out well by 85% with various supporting factors. Meanwhile, 15% of activities have not been implemented optimally due to various inhibiting factors such as technical material, readiness of presenters, and also heterogeneity of students targeted for service activities.</em></p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Yessi Ervina, Yuliana Yuliana, Styo M. W. Aji Penyuluhan dan Praktek Budidaya Jamur Tiram bagi Karang Taruna Desa Codo Kab. Malang 2024-06-14T16:53:31+00:00 Maria Intan Kumala Tikka Dessy Harsanti Onyka Abdillah <p><em>Real Work Lectures (KKN) are one of the courses programmed for UM students. These courses include field practice courses which aim to train and equip students to apply their knowledge and learn to solve various real problems that occur in society. Observation results show that mushroom farming is not widely practiced by the people of Codo village. The majority of people still cultivate conventional farming such as rice, palm crops and various other agricultural products. In implementing the KKN program in Codo Village, the program chosen was counseling and mushroom cultivation practices for youth organizations in Codo Village.&nbsp; The method for implementing this service activity is carried out through counseling steps: (1) observation; (2) planning; (3) make a schedule and make invitations; (4) contacting sources; (5) conducting outreach and practice for youth organizations at the Codo village hall; and (6) Giving several mushroom seeds to representatives of youth organizations. The results of the implementation of extension programs/activities and harvesting practices for mushroom cultivation for youth organizations in Codo village, Wajak sub-district, Malang Regency, have achieved 85% of the expected results. The program started with counseling given by speakers who were brought directly from Batu City, namely entrepreneurs. Many parties are willing to help and work together for the smooth running of this program.</em></p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Intan Kumala, Tikka Dessy Harsanti, Onyka Abdillah Pembentukan Organisasi Kelompok Budidaya Lele di Desa Codo Kecamatan Wajak Kabupaten Malang 2024-06-14T16:50:32+00:00 Tri Prasetyawan Yuswanti Yuswanti Retno Palupi <p><em>Real Work Lectures (KKN) is an implementation of one aspect of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service. Through KKN, students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired at college in real contexts in society. KKN also aims to develop students' social awareness and responsibility towards society as well as increase their sense of empathy and concern for social, economic and cultural conditions in various regions. Codo Village is one of the villages in the Wajak District, Malang Regency. This village is a partner of the State University of Malang as one of the target villages for the KKN program. Based on the results of observations, one of the potentials found in Codo Village is catfish farming and cultivation. Based on the results of field observations, it is known that the catfish farming organization has not yet been formed, the catfish farming group community in Codo village is still operating at a rudimentary level. Method of implementing activities: (1) observation; (2) data collection on catfish cultivation groups; (3) formation of organizations; (4) explain the job description and functions of each member; (5) training in making proposals for the formation of a catfish cultivation group organization in Codo village. The results of the implementation of the program/activity for the formation of a catfish cultivation group organization in Codo village, Wajak subdistrict, Malang Regency are very satisfying because 87% of the expected results have been achieved.</em></p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Prasetyawan, Yuswanti Yuswanti, Retno Palupi Pelatihan Administrasi dan Pengorganisasian UKS SDN Codo 02 Kecamatan Wajak Kabupaten Malang 2024-06-14T16:47:09+00:00 Muhammad Dwi Yanto Putro Onyka Abdillah <p><em>The School Health Unit (UKS) is an institution within the school environment that aims to improve student health and encourage healthy lifestyles. The implementation of UKS in schools certainly requires clear and structured administration and organization so that it can run well and provide optimal benefits. Based on the results of field observations, it is known that the administration and organization of the UKS at SDN Codo 2, Wajak District, is still not good. This can be seen from the absence of an organizational structure and picket structure as well as administrative books regarding UKS operations. Considering these facts, KKN students in Codo Village are planning a program for administration and organization of the School Health Unit at SDN CODO 2, Wajak District, Kab. Poor. The steps in implementing the administration and organizing UKS program at SDN Codo 2, Wajak sub-district are as follows: (1) observation at SDN Codo 2, Wajak sub-district, Malang Regency; (2) planning improvements and development with the UKS management; (3) planning the UKS administration management mechanism which will be carried out together with the administrators; (4) conducting UKS administration training for minor doctors; and (5) organizing small doctors. The results of the implementation of administrative programs/activities and the organization of UKS SDN Codo 2, Wajak District, Malang Regency, are very satisfying because 90% of the expected results have been achieved.</em></p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Dwi Yanto Putro, Onyka Abdillah Pelatihan Literasi Budaya Terintegrasi Kepribadian Humanisme di SDN Made IV Lamongan 2024-06-29T01:05:27+00:00 Oriza Zativalen Ari Susandi Vivi Yusnita Putri <p><em>The aim of implementing this training is primarily to produce quality teachers by carrying out cultural literacy training activities integrated with humanist personality at SDN Made IV Lamongan. With this training activity, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge and information to teachers to increase cultural literacy in teaching in an independent curriculum with a humanist personality. This is a solution to various kinds of learning problems in the independent curriculum. The training targets who will be involved in this activity are all teachers at SDN Made IV Lamongan. The method that will be used is the training planning stage for grade 1 and 4 teachers by preparing cultural literacy and humanism personality activities. The second stage is the implementation of integrated cultural literacy training on humanism personality. The third stage is evaluation and follow-up to differentiate the results from the pretest and posttest. said to be successful and considered good. The results of community service that have been carried out, namely the success of implementing community service activities, apart from being measured from the components above, can also be seen from participant satisfaction after participating in training activities. The school is very satisfied with the activities provided by the service team because they provide significant benefits, including: increasing knowledge about cultural literacy and humanistic personality. The implementation of community service activities has been carried out well. The service material is cultural literacy training integrated with humanism personality at SDN Made IV Lamongan. Follow up by providing regular monitoring of the implementation of cultural literacy in learning. The final stage is publishing scientific work on community service.</em></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oriza Zativalen, Ari Susandi, Vivi Yusnita Putri Business Planning bagi Mahasiswa Asrama PGSD Universitas Negeri Malang Sebagai Perwujudan Decent Work and Economic Growth of SDG’s Goals 2024-06-29T12:50:39+00:00 Khusnul Khotimah Esti Untari Tomy Rizky Izzalqurny <p><em>One of the eight SDGs is decent work and economic growth. The SDG's goal can be interpreted as human welfare will be achieved if they have decent work. Based on this need, all stakeholders must be able to create the widest possible employment opportunities. To realize these ideals or goals, there needs to be participation and collaboration between institutions/sectors, including the involvement of universities. One of the roles of higher education in supporting the realization of the SDG's goals is empowering students who live in campus dormitories by providing experience (soft skills) to students in the field of edupreneurship (entrepreneurship). Therefore, assistance in preparing business planning for the State University of Malang campus dormitory students was carried out. The results obtained from this activity are that dormitory students can produce eight prospective business plans realized in the business model canvas (BMC).</em></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khusnul Khotimah, Esti Untari, Tomy Rizky Izzalqurny